Mindsets & Practices
In my previous blog, I shared my deep awakening experience, and now I would love to share with you the ways I have shifted my perfective on life. From the mindset shifts I’ve experienced and some daily practices. All of which keep me aligned with my true self and moving forward with strength and confidence.
Core mindset shifts
I feel pure and complete contentment in being and no loner attached to productivity, or working, or reaching goals.
Success looks differently now. I feel success and deep fulfilment when I show up with love, compassion and gratitude for the simple things that matter the most to me. I let go of the need for things to go ‘perfectly’ and simply feel proud for showing up.
I don’t make detailed plans, instead I make time to work on what’s meaningful to me and trust that I will do my very best. Best of all, I take a moment to meditate and fill myself with excitement and gratitude before taking any action. I embody the feeling of fulfilment even before I begin doing anything, and step into doing mode with a loving, free and curious mindset.
I completely accept myself, as I am and where I am on my path. I listen to how I feel and honour what I need. I no longer strain, push or criticise my abilities and limitations, instead love myself for all that I am and trust that I will continue to grow and flourish, gently in my own time. I am focusing on nurturing my comfort zone so that I can grow from a place of love and acceptance, not hustle, ego driven desires and punishment.
When anxiety, stress and fear creeps in, I no longer try to numb it, instead I face it and ask myself what’s really going on. I sit and meditate and listen. Then, I ask for guidance for how to navigate these emotions. Without fail, the guidance shows up and I feel reassured that I am so held, loved and safe. I have nothing to fear. Though I may not have control, I have the power to keep showing up, to the best of my ability, honouring who I am today and loving myself entirely while deeply believing that all will be well. When I am full of love, there is no space for fear and doubt. Maintaining that sense of trust is my most important daily work.
I surrender the illusion of control, in all aspects of my life. I don’t try to control my baby, we have a loving respectful relationship where I simply observe and support him to the best of my ability. I don’t try to control the outcome of my business, I simply show up with love and passion and work to the best of my ability. I don’t try to plan out my future or set big goals, I simply follow my intuition and inspiration and trust that I am always showing up to the best of my ability. With this freeing mindset, I have been the most productive and balanced I have ever been.
I choose to live for joy and pleasure, not achievement and productivity. I want to feel life, not do life.
I choose to see life as a work in progress and approach all that don’t know with curiosity and an opportunity for discovery or developing something new in my life. I no longer feel the frustration of all that I’m not and all that I don’t have.
I am crystal clear on what’s valuable and important to me and what isn't. I let go of all fears, worries, anxieties, comparisons and narratives that do not bring me joy. I have let go of the attachment to doing to define my self and self worth. I completely reject the hustle culture, perfectionism and value living a healthy, authentic and balanced life above all else.
Daily practices
I am mindful about the words I speak and think every day. Throughout the way I pause and take a mental picture of the exact moment I am and give thanks that this is my life. I say out loud how proud I am of myself and much I love who I am and what I do. I love the path I am on and feel so present and grounded in the now. I work on dissolving any self criticism or judgement and simply praise all that I do.
I’m creating my day’s schedule firstly around Charlie’s needs and secondly around my physical and emotional needs which have been more predictable now that I’m more in-tune with my cycle. I don’t push or strain any more and trust that each day I am doing my best and what’s important, therefore every day feels successful and fulfilling, regardless of how much was done.
I work on maintaining a high frequency within myself and a deep connection to my clarity through meditation, expressing gratitude for all that I am, stillness and silence in nature. Distraction is a huge part of loosing focus and clarity, so I am mindful how much I ‘consume’.
I am aware and grateful for the time I have around my responsibilities and I take ownership to spend it life giving ways. This could be resting, walking in nature, journaling and reflecting, taking photos, being creative and free, working on my career and craft, listening to podcasts or reading or simply following through on something that makes me feel inspired.
I check in with myself nearly daily and reflect on what’s working and what I’m feeling inspired to take action on. I create rituals and habits based on what I’ve experienced to be working, not what I should do.
I’m asking for help. Once a week I have a nanny that takes care of Charlie, Ian takes care of him on Saturday’s and sometimes my parents look after him too.
I’m starting a new career path, gently and slowly without pressure or fear of failure. I am so excited for the opportunity to learn how to grow and maintain a thriving business along side my motherhood journey. I honour any time I have feel proud of every little step I take.